Good News in Both Word and Deed | Sojourners

Good News in Both Word and Deed

It's a new world we're living in. The troubles and hardships that were once easy to shove under our country's red, white, and blue rug now fly up in our faces on a daily basis. It's undeniable that these are very painful economic times. People are hurting, not just economically, but psychologically and spiritually.

Now, more than ever, people are hungry for the Good News of Jesus Christ. When it comes to evangelism, Dad has always said, "The message never changes. That's sacred. But the methods? The methods will always change. We care too much about the lost to not try anything and everything to bring them to the knowledge of Jesus Christ."

He's right. And it's why we've incorporated a Season of Service into the Palau model for festival evangelism. It debuted in 2008 in Portland, Oregon, and offers a new focus on sustainable, repeatable, culturally-relevant outreach opportunities. The idea is nothing revolutionary, but the results most certainly are.

Our purpose of the Season of Service is to: