Sabbath for All? | Sojourners

Sabbath for All?

In the September-October issue of Sojourners, I write about coming to realize that keeping the Sabbath holy isn't merely about rest and leisure, no matter how spiritually sincere. As it deepens our relationship with God, Sabbath should intensify our resolve to work during the rest of the week for a world where labor laws and societal norms give all people access to time for rest and reflection.

Here are some of my recommendations for books on different dimensions -- spiritual and social -- of seeking time apart from the workaday grind:

In Pursuit of Silence, George Prochnik

The Sabbath World, Judith Shulevitz

Living the Sabbath, by Norman Wirzba

The Sabbath, by Abraham Joshua Heschel

Keeping the Sabbath Wholly, by Marva J. Dawn

To learn more about the labor issues raised in my piece, some places to start are Restaurant Opportunities Center United, The Working Poor Families Project, and Interfaith Worker Justice.

Lauren F. Winner is assistant professor of Christian spirituality at Duke Divinity School. Her books include Girl Meets God and Mudhouse Sabbath.

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