A 20th Anniversary and a 20s Comic | Sojourners

A 20th Anniversary and a 20s Comic

The Land of Promise

We are Christians
We are also feminists.
Some say we cannot be both,
but for us
Christianity and feminism
are inseparable.

is our attempt
to share our discoveries,
our struggles, and our growth
as Christian women.
We are committed to Scripture
and we seek to find in it
meaning for our lives.
We are rooted in a historical tradition
of women who have served God
in innumerable ways,
and we seek guidance
from their example.

Why Sarah?
Sarah was a strong woman,
equally called by God
to a new land of promise.
We are Daughters of Sarah,
not of the flesh,
but of the promise,
as Scripture says,
co-heirs of God’s grace and life.

Each issue of the uncompromising Christian feminist quarterly Daughters of Sarah has opened with this simple but profound credo. For 20 years, DOS has been unyielding in its commitment to justice, but unequivocally committed to open dialogue.

I began reading DOS in the early ’80s, usually late into the night upon its arrival. The short but substantial offerings left me feeling nourished, inspired, and challenged. Stories of hope, struggle, pain, or exhilaration reinforced theological insights.

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Sojourners Magazine November 1994
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