This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: December 2004

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Cover Story

A spirituality of reading.
In telling their stories, guests at the Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen feast on divine mystery.
The written word isn't going away anytime soon, and religion's effect on the publishing industry is part of the reason.
Here are a few we found compelling.
Between Haiti and the streets of Brooklyn
An interview with Paul Elie on faith, writing, and the "School of the Holy Ghost."
Three pop theology books to leave behind.


Four books to read and reread
Books both biblical and spiritual
Back in the ’70s I was trudging through the planning phase of a master’s thesis on Puritan devotional poetry, and I happened to catch lunch with someone who read me a quote...
Books to assist turning inward


Reading passionately isn't about escaping reality, but about plunging further into it.


The 7-year-old's poster said, 'Every Life is Sacred. Stop Poverty.'
I'd miss the good old days, but they were before my time.

Culture Watch

Richard Wright was a political activist, but his loyalty was to his art.
Richard Wright was a political activist, but his loyalty was to his art.


Words can provide rest, create change, and bring new life to our inner and outer worlds. Developing this special issue has given us a wonderful reminder of that.