Common good

As the old saying goes, 'In God we trust -- all others pay cash.' As our economy shows promising signs of recovery, the cash is not translating into jobs.
Chuck Collins 3-28-2011

Across the United States, there is a new movement emerging to dramatize the immorality of corporate tax dodging in the face of drastic budget cuts.


Jim Wallis 3-17-2011

Once again, we are seeing human and environmental tragedy. In Japan, a natural disaster has destroyed all human attempts for control.

Jim Wallis 1-31-2011
The contradictions here in Davos are enormous.
Jim Wallis 1-27-2011
Yesterday was the first day of the World Economic Forum in Davos, a little mountain village in Switzerland, where each January corporate CEOs, heads of state, and leaders of nonprofit organizations
Duane Shank 1-20-2011
The calls for a more civil discourse in our public life spurred by the shooting in" targe
Chuck Collins 12-14-2010

In 2010, the moral measure of tax policy choice is: Does it further concentrate wealth and power in the hands of a few?

Jennifer Kottler 12-09-2010
I have to admit that the estate tax is one of my favorite things to rant about.
Jim Wallis 12-07-2010
He should have fought this one. The richest 2 percent of the country just got an extension of tax cuts they didn't need at great cost to us all.
Jennifer Kottler 11-24-2010
This morning I learned about a website and a letter signed by more than 3 dozen millionaires (folks who have earned over $1 million in a year either now or in the past) asking the President to allo
Jennifer Kottler 11-18-2010
You might think that those who spent their campaigns telling their constituents that they would work to appeal "Obamacare" -- just another government entitlement -- would either think that
Debra Dean Murphy 11-03-2010
Some brief observations on the 2010 election season which, thankfully, has come to an end:

Well, we made it to Election Day -- time to pack up the ol' Truth and Civility campaign until the next election

Jarrod McKenna 10-06-2010
I'm impressed by several things. One being people who love well and whose presence disarms in such a way that others can be received as they are.
Charles Gutenson 9-29-2010
Ah, the evils of "social justice"!
Ernesto Tinajero 8-26-2010
It took more than 70 years of blood, work, and persistence, but the movement prevailed and on August 18, 1920, women were given the right to both vote and run for office.
Jennifer Kottler 8-12-2010
"Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved." William Jennings Bryan (1860 - 1925)