
Douglas Kmiec 4-15-2010
It is far too easy to blame the highly publicized priestly scandal for the alienation of Catholics in Europe or the United States.
Charles Honey 4-09-2010
The Grand River flows through Grand Rapids, Mich. with power and peace on its way to Lake Michigan 30 miles west.

When I was a little girl, Easter morning in my house smelled of vinegar and cloves. We were up early, before sunrise to see the sun shout. My father would attend an Easter sunrise service with his Masonic lodge, my mother would bake the Easter ham, and I would dye the Easter eggs.

Nadia Bolz-Weber 12-29-2009
Church music was my first language. I was raised in a church tradition that did not allow musical instruments in worship.
Ruth Hawley-Lowry 12-01-2009
December 1 is World AIDS Day. December 1 is also the day that Rosa Parks refused to yield her seat on a bus in Montgomery.
Cesar Baldelomar 9-29-2009
As a struggling Catholic, the uproar and division caused by conservative U.S.
Johanna Hatch 8-11-2009
I recently celebrated the ninth annual Hatch family reunion on Cape Cod, my favorite family gathering.
Nadia Bolz-Weber 7-01-2009

Last Sunday I got a call at 11 a.m. It was Rachel Pater calling from her home town church (denomination to remain unnamed). It took several minutes before she could form a proper sentence through her sobs. Finally in a shaky voice, this came out: "I'm at my parent's church ... they are doing communion ...

Only God can or ought to judge Michael Jackson's personal life. We do not have enough information to judge his behavior, but we do know that we have lost a true musical genius.

Jim Wallis 4-27-2009
Last night, the Mobilization to End Poverty began with the over 1,100 faith leaders and activists gathered together from across the country.
Eugene Cho 4-10-2009
There are numerous significant theological and biblical meanings behind the Last Supper (Passover Seder) and while the pursuit
Cesar Baldelomar 3-26-2009
The University of Notre Dame recently announced that President Barack Obama will be its spring commencement speaker and that he will also be receiving an honorary doctorate of laws degree.
John Fanestil 2-27-2009
On Saturday, Feb. 21, I was almost arrested for committing assault with a tortilla. Or was it my communion cup that the border patrol agent took to be a threat?

John Fanestil 2-11-2009

090211-karl-hoffman-2Each Sunday afternoon, people from San Diego and Tijuana gather to celebrate communion at a seaside plaza on the U.S.-Mexico border, where families and friends have been meeting for generations to visit through the border fence.

Shane Claiborne 1-29-2009

It seems that much of our conversation as a Church is in a perpetual cycle of reaction. We are tempted to exaggerate the neglected truth, and end up making incomplete disciples, either social justice disciples without Jesus or Jesus disciples without social justice. Then there are those special moments where Jesus and Justice kiss.

Monte Peterson 10-17-2008
This week, a number of "awareness days" fall on the calendar-October 16 was World Food Day, today is International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, October 17-19 are the Millenium Development Gr
Rose Marie Berger 8-01-2004
What is hiding behind the flag of 'moral decency'?