
Jarrod McKenna 12-17-2009
350 might be the most important number in the world at the moment.
Jim Wallis 12-14-2009
President Obama laid out a moral defense of the use of force in his acceptance speech in Oslo
If all we notice in President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize Lecture is a justification of war, we will miss the 21st<
Jennifer Kottler 12-09-2009

I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore

Lisa Haugaard 12-01-2009
Elections took place Sunday, Nov. 29 in Honduras with National Party leader Porfirio Lobo declared the winner.

Multiple Authors 11-24-2009
Nowadays everyone's talking about nuclear disarmament.
Jim Wallis 11-19-2009

Your voice is being heard. Already, thousands of you have signed a letter and contacted the White House urging a new way forward in Afghanistan.

Jim Wallis 11-16-2009
The following is a memo Jim Wallis has provided to leaders throughout the nation concerning the ongoing issue of abortion within the health care reform debate and the need to find common ground
Brian McLaren 11-16-2009
It's been said that conservatives are people who honor the tombs of dead progressives.
Arthur Waskow 11-06-2009
One reader wrote me to ask: " "What effect will the Fort Hood shootings have on the American public's perception of Islam?" That question asks us to be foretellers, fortune tellers, to predict.
In the wake of Tuesday's elections where the Democrats lost governor's races in New Jersey and in Virginia, some observers are advising President Obama to scale back his agenda.
Jim Wallis 10-29-2009
We've all been watching carefully as the Obama administration tries to decide how to move forward on U.S. policy in Afghanistan.
Seth Hoy 10-16-2009

For many years now, religious leaders and diverse faith groups have contributed much to the ongoing immigration debate.

Randy Woodley 10-05-2009
Last week Ken Burns unleashed his new series on America's national parks, subtitled "America's Best Idea." The cinematography is incredible and Ken Burns is known as a progressive thinker.
Matthew Soerens 10-02-2009
The Los Angeles Times reported last week that the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service
Jim Wallis 10-01-2009

Oh no, my eleven-year-old went to his first rock concert this week! Oh good, it was Bono and U2. That would express the feelings of many parents about their child's introductory rock and roll concert experience.

Efrem Smith 10-01-2009
I was recently talking with a European-American friend of mine who is also an evangelical. I am African-American and evangelical.