
Eugene Cho 6-20-2011
It's likely that some of you will take offense at the title of this post. But if you read through the post, it'll certainly make more sense in the larger context.
Elissa Elliott 6-08-2011
Not too long ago, a family member told me in hushed sad tones that he was praying for me. I wasn't ill. I wasn't going through a tough time. No.
Troy Jackson 5-31-2011
This has been a difficult year in Ohio.
Jim Wallis 4-12-2011


[Editors' note: During the season of Lent we will be posting excerpts from the Rediscovering Values Lenten Study Guide. We invite you to study God's word with us through these posts.]

Jake Olzen 2-21-2011
A week after a shocked world reveled in Egypt's incredible moment of freedom and people power, Wisconsin is reviving its own unique tradition of people power and creative protest.
Bill Mefford 2-08-2011
The nearly 2.3 million people in U.S.
Theresa Cho 2-01-2011
I've always found this story of Mary and Martha perplexing. Mainly because of Jesus' response to Martha.
Troy Jackson 12-15-2010
Last week, I joined a conservative talk show in Cincinnati to talk about Bernard Pastor, the 18-ye
Jim Wallis 12-07-2010
He should have fought this one. The richest 2 percent of the country just got an extension of tax cuts they didn't need at great cost to us all.
Troy Jackson 9-27-2010
Last week more than 500 people gathered in Washington, D.C. to lobby for the DREAM Act.
Julie Clawson 9-15-2010
We live in a world full of pain and injustice; there is no getting around that fact.
Ernesto Tinajero 8-26-2010
It took more than 70 years of blood, work, and persistence, but the movement prevailed and on August 18, 1920, women were given the right to both vote and run for office.
Three distinctive views about people of religious faith became apparent at this summer's Asp
Elizabeth Palmberg 8-03-2010
As is pretty universally agreed by economists and (these days) ignored by many politicians -- who seem determined to run on a Herbert Hoover platform -- in the short term, the government must and
Jon Zens 7-14-2010
Certainly one of the most puzzling remarks in Paul's writings is found in 1 Timothy 2:15, "But women will be saved through http://blog.sojo.ne