factory farms

LaVonne Neff 5-07-2010

"On average," writes Jonathan Safran Foer, "Americans eat the equivalent of 21,000 animals in a lifetime." Alas, most of these animals came from factory farms, n

Sheldon Good 11-27-2009
As the health-care bill passes through Congress, one wonders about an issue that has been left out of discussions. No, not abortion. Food.
Julie Clawson 7-06-2009

"The industry doesn't want you to know the truth about what you are eating, because if you knew you might not want to eat it " - Food, Inc.

Elizabeth Palmberg 5-18-2009
Why should the world turn away from huge, monocropped factory farms? Pick the reason you like best.
Elizabeth Palmberg 7-10-2008

Kool-Aid ManIt's clear that one cause of the current food crisis is that poorer countries have been pressured into dismantling their food policies, leaving peasant farmers and eaters alike to bear all the risks of the extremely volatile world market. This has left corporations free to ship factory-farmed food to those countries, peasants free to migrate to urban slums, and corporately-dominated economic [...]