government takeover

Jim Wallis 3-19-2010

We all know how much the media love conflict, and they have fallen in love with the health-care debate. Yesterday's New York Times story on the final House vote expected this weekend simply said, "Showdown Near." That says it all about the gunfight at the O.K.

My measure of a good State of the Union address is whether or not I am able to stay awake through to the end.
There comes a moment when we can say a word or speak a concept so often that it loses meaning and simply becomes sound. The concept becomes exhausted, thin, one-dimensional.
Jim Wallis 9-18-2009

Glenn Beck has received a lot of attention for his inflammatory rhetoric lately. Recently, he shared a personal story about his daughter who has cerebral palsy, which gets to the heart of his fears about health-care reform:

Bob Lupton 9-01-2009
I'm a registered Republican. I didn't vote for Obama. I believe in free-market enterprise. I like smaller government. There, I said it. It's out!