
Andrew Clouse 11-02-2009
Friday morning, Hillary Clinton praised what she called "an historic agreement" between de facto President Roberto Micheletti and deposed President Manuel Zelaya.
Andrew Clouse 9-21-2009
Earlier this morning Radio Globo -- a pro-resistance radio source -- broke the news that Manuel "Mel" Zelaya, the deposed president of Honduras, has arrived in Tegucigalpa and was calling his suppo
Amanda Lind 7-10-2009

Two weeks ago Sunday I awoke to my cell phone ringing at 6:45 a.m. In my sleepy delirium I answered it to hear the agitated voice of Isidra, a friend and "hermana" from our church in Flor del Campo, a marginalized neighborhood near the airport of Tegucigalpa.

Ashley Morse 7-02-2009

On the morning of June 28, Honduran President Manuel "Mel" Zelaya was awoken suddenly as masked soldiers burst into his home. As the media has been rave to point out, still in his pajamas, the elected head of state was forced onto a plane and shipped out of the country.

As the situation regarding the military ouster of Honduras' President Manuel Zelaya continues to develop, I Metroed across town to the U.S. State Department to photograph a protest calling for cutting off U.S. aid to Honduras until Zelaya's reinstatement.