mixed race

President Obama visited with the five hosts of the ABC daytime talk show "The View." People complained. He should have gone to the Boy Scout gathering.

Lena Horne is gone, but she remains a bright shining light.

Please God, save us from hyper-partisanship and hyper-media in perpetual election mode selling us a hyperbolic public discourse.
Edward Gilbreath 1-06-2010

As you probably know, one of the big articles making the rounds this week is Time magazine's major report on Willow Creek Community Church and the noteworthy progress being made in evangelical megachurches to bridge the racial divide.

Tracey Bianchi 10-20-2009
This past week I was walking home from the school drop-off with a newish friend. Swapping stories about the basics of our lives. Marital status, where we grew up, favorite pastimes.
Bart Campolo 10-09-2008
Good stuff from both of you, Ryan and Jimmy!