
Rev. James Martin 9-02-2010
After his colossal "Restoring Honor" rally in Washington, D.C., Glenn Beck took aim at one of his favorite targets, Barack Obama, but in a novel way.
Three distinctive views about people of religious faith became apparent at this summer's Asp
Ernesto Tinajero 6-07-2010
God calls on us to meditate on God and God's word. However, does the fast intake of information from TV, film, and especially the Internet make us less likely to experience God?
Justin Fung 4-30-2010

It'd be nice if enacting a law would solve the problem, wouldn't it?

Diana Butler Bass 11-30-2009
"There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on the earth distress among nations caused by the roaring of the sea and the waves," proclaims Jesus in the gospel of Luke.
Amy Barger 11-05-2009

The bearded, robed, and bespectacled keynote speaker at Georgetown University's Gaston Hall on Tuesday made a wise first move. His All Holiness Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch of the Orthodox Christian World, began his speech by naming the elephant in the room.

Brian McLaren 7-20-2009
My friend Bob Carlton sent me this link to a Guardian piece by Madeleine Bunting, "
Congress is hard at work on historic energy and climate change legislation. The House of Representatives plans to vote on a bill in the next few weeks, with the Senate to follow in early fall.

Phyllis Tickle 7-20-2008

Summer Sundays with Phyllis Tickle

JesusA Sunday or two ago, I made mention of -- more to the truth, wrote a whole