
I've always longed to see the world through a poet's eyes -- to see the magical in the everyday and to be able to weave words in such a way as to convey that magic to others.
Julie Clawson 6-04-2010
The day after we here in the U.S. paused to remember the men and women who had died fighting for our country, the fight continued from beyond the grave.
Marque Jensen 6-03-2010

If migration policy was "freed" or emancipated, people could respond to real work opportunities, economies would be able to grow globally, the federal and state focus could be put on fighting crime and http://www.latina.com/lifestyle/news-politics/immigration-

Martha St. Jean 5-28-2010
She is my mother. She is my aunt. She is my next door neighbor. I recognize her familiar gait; the quick-paced step. Most importantly, I recognize the invisible burden she carries.
Sheldon Good 5-27-2010
I'm not a college student anymore, but Dr. Rand Paul just gave me some homework.

Jim Wallis 5-24-2010
With middle-class families mostly worrying about how they are surviving this Great Recession, and with the political leaders who want their votes aiming spins at them, there hasn't been much attent
Hayley Hathaway 5-19-2010
Do secondary debt markets, hedge funds, and offshore banking make you want to dance? Probably not.
Julie Clawson 5-18-2010
Last week at her blog, Rachel Held Evans proposed the question "What is the Gospel?" She received some interesting responses, dem
Cesar Baldelomar 5-17-2010
Arizona's lawmakers just keep finding ways to transform their xenophobia into law. First, they questioned whether Martin Luther King Jr. Day was a legitimate holiday.
Allen Johnson 5-17-2010

In this month's Sojourners, Onleilove Alston takes a spiritually inflected look at coal country, where last month's EPA decision to ban much mountaintop removal min

Jim Wallis 5-13-2010
My mother taught her children never to "toot our own horn." So last year, when Sojourners became the first publication ever (so far as I know) to win the best general interest magazine awa
Julie Clawson 5-10-2010
So the latest Nick & Josh Podcast is up and it's a r
Jarrod McKenna 5-07-2010

"My father was born by a river bed and left to die. My mother grew up in extreme poverty. They made it. I am their story, they inspire me!" These are the words of my new friend Rudo, an amazing young woman from Zimbabwe who has come through so much and has now been chosen to be one of a thousand ambassadors of the Make Poverty History Road Trip who next week are acting to make history.

Edith Rasell 5-04-2010
As someone who lives in Cleveland -- which in some years is identified as the poorest city in the U.S.
Justin Fung 4-30-2010

It'd be nice if enacting a law would solve the problem, wouldn't it?

Chris Butler 4-27-2010
As an urban minister and a political professional, there have been two big news stories that I have followed with some level interest recently.
Justin Fung 4-22-2010

Today is Earth Day, an occasion for marking our responsibility to care for our world and the environment. It seems trite to have just one day to remind ourselves of the importance of this -- though the same could be (and often is) said about Father's Day, Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, Christmas, etc.