social injustice

Image via RNS/Brian Pellot

Amazigh was one of 125 queer Muslim activists and allies who came together for The Inner Circle’s seven-day Annual International Retreat, from Oct. 14 to Oct. 21, in South Africa. The gathering focused on “building a movement towards an all-inclusive and compassion-centered Islam,” a mammoth task for attendees like Amazigh who live in countries where homosexuality and transgender expression are often taboo and criminalized.

Patty Whitney 4-18-2011
For three months last year the Gulf Coast oil spill was the major topic of news reports all over the world. From the explosion on April 20, 2010, until the capping of the gushing well on July 15, 2010, the headlines were consumed with images and dialogue about the tragedy unfolding before our very eyes. Shortly after the news of the capping, the government reported that “most” of the oil was gone, and that things were getting back to normal. The camera crews packed up. The reporters turned in their hotel room keys and gathered their deductible tax receipts. And they all left. Kumbaya, the oil was gone, and the world was normal again. The world could move on to other, more pressing interests. That is … the rest of the world could move on to other, more pressing interests.
Hannah Lythe 3-22-2011

I love words. They nourish me more than food. As a child (and even now, as an adult) I read novel after novel, losing myself in the characters, the plot, and the effortless descriptions of good writers. If I could swallow the New York Times, I would. (There are also many other fantastic newspaper publications out there; I'm not partial.) The discovery of Google reader has been my biggest internet distraction to date. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but I'd rather the thousand words.

Last week was a-buzz about the six-month anniversary of the Affordable Care Act. And rightfully so.

Cesar Baldelomar 7-12-2010

Tupac Shakur in 'Gridlock'd' / Pictorial Press Ltd / Alamy

Many music critics have said that a truly special artist comes around only once every generation.

Emily Bagwell 6-23-2010
The other night as I rode my bike up Massachusetts Ave. with my friend Jeehye, we came upon a man who was about to jump off a bridge.
Cesar Baldelomar 11-10-2009
Marvin Gaye once sang, "Oh, mercy mercy me/Oh, things ain't what they used to be/No, no/Where did all the blue sky go?/Poison is the wind that blows/From the north, east, south, and sea/Oh, mercy m
Efrem Smith 11-04-2009
In this clip, Pastor Efrem expands on the very familiar verse John 3:16.
Chris Hoke 3-31-2009
In Sojourners' April issue, Tierra Neuva gang chaplain Chris Hoke