
According to a review of 160 socially responsible mutual funds, 72.6 percent of socially responsible large-cap funds outperformed their S&P 500 competitors in 2009.

Jeannie Choi 3-01-2010

“The problem facing American journalism is not fundamentally an audience problem or a credibility problem,” according to the Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism.

Jeannie Choi 1-01-2010

Schools in the United States are becoming increasingly segregated based on students’ race and economic status, according to a study released by Gary Orfield of the Civil Rights Project.

THE PRICE OF cocaine in the U.S.

Last November’s election was the most racially and ethnically diverse in U.S. history, according to a study by the Pew Research Center.

Three percent of all District of Columbia residents are living with HIV/AIDS, according to a report released in March by the District government. The U.S.

The Religious Institute on Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing published a report in January that found U.S. seminaries and rabbinical schools were sorely lacking in sexuality training.

In the wake of the worst economic crisis since the Great Depres­sion, tens of millions of Americans have suffered substantial financial losses, with many losing their savings, homes, and jobs.

A 2008 study commissioned by Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good found that social policies that increase economic support to women in the U.S.

Jeannie Choi 12-01-2008

The Gulf Coast—and New Orleans, specifically—is far from recovered after being ravaged in 2005 by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

For Iraqis, the scramble to find family members who are de­tained, kidnapped, killed, or simply lost is a harsh reality of war that often doesn’t make the headlines.