WATCH: 5 Veterans of Civil Rights Movement Offer ‘Full Frontal’s Ashley Nicole Black Tips for Resistance | Sojourners

WATCH: 5 Veterans of Civil Rights Movement Offer ‘Full Frontal’s Ashley Nicole Black Tips for Resistance

What advice to civil rights veterans have for those weary from weeks of protests? 

"Suck it up. It's too important not to," Joan Trumpauer Mulholland told Full Frontal with Samantha Bee's Ashley Nicole Black.

Black interviewed five leaders who marched on Washington, rode with the Freedom Riders, and helped organized the movement to offer lessons for today's resistance. 

One reminder to gain perspective on protest from one of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee's founding members Frank Smith Jr.: 

"The March on Washington, it was R&R for us. It was a time for us to get away from Mississsippi for a few days to go off to some place where we didn't have to worry about being chased by the sherriff and have a drink somewhere without being worried about being stopped on our way home."

Watch the interviews below:

"You can organize around a lot of things, and they don't have to be grandiose," Dorie Ladner reminds those looking for ways to get involved. 

Said Nell Braxton Gibson: "It's those little marches that happen the day after, and the day after that, and the day after that."

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