Weekly Wrap 3.31.17: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week | Sojourners

Weekly Wrap 3.31.17: The 10 Best Stories You Missed This Week

1. Mike Pence and the ‘Billy Graham Rule’: What Image of God Do We Think Men Carry, Exactly?
Twitter was set afire over the past couple of days debating the merits of Vice President Mike Pence’s practice not to dine with women other than his wife and to not attend events where alcohol is served without her. And while what happens within any marriage is between two people, many were quick to point out how the practice affects women’s opportunities in the workplace and normalizes a culture that sees women as sex objects — but also how it assumes men to be sexual predators.

2. ‘Do-Good’ Exploitation
In so-called socially conscious workplaces, capitalistic values comingled with an assumption that all employees value mission over appropriate compensation can lead to problems. See: THINX, a case study.

3. The Trauma of Facing Deportation
“Uppgivenhetssyndrom, or resignation syndrome, is said to exist only in Sweden, and only among refugees. The patients seem to have lost the will to live. ‘They are like Snow White,’ a doctor said. ‘They just fall away from the world.’”

4. I Loved My Grandmother. But She Was a Nazi.
“My grandmother heard what she wanted from a leader who promised simple answers to complicated questions. She chose not to hear and see the monstrous sum those answers added up to. And she lived the rest of her life with the knowledge of her indefensible complicity.”

5. Why Is It Difficult to Get Christians to Care About the Earth?
This week, President Donald Trump signed an executive order gutting the Obama administration’s environmental safeguards. While it’s easy for news to get buried amid all the noise, this one didn’t seem to register for Christians. What gives?

6. These Border Bids Are Subtle Resistance to Trump’s Wall
A wall built out of Legos? Cacti? Theater stages? They’re creative. They also clog the procurement process.

7. The Teen Novel Confronting Police Violence
The Hate U Give sees racialized killing, police violence, and activism through the eyes of a 16-year-old girl who lives it. The book has spent the last three weeks at No. 1 on the New York Times bestseller list for young-adult novels.

8. Catholic Charities Across the U.S. Could Face Huge Cuts Under Trump’s Budget
About that whole “it’s not the government’s job to care for the poor” thing—

9. Sheryl Sandberg: Four Years After Lean In, Women Are Not Better Off
She faced a lot of criticism for focusing solely on well-educated, wealthy, married women in her bestselling book Lean In. Four years later, Sheryl Sandberg reflects on lessons learned and the present state of women in leadership.

10. Wall Street’s ‘Fearless Girl’ Will Stay for One Year. But Then What?
The statue depicting a girl staring down the Wall Street bull — symbolizing the need for female leadership in finance and beyond — was erected in celebration of International Women’s Day. But it was only intended to be a temporary fixture — which speaks volumes.