A Change of Heart | Sojourners

A Change of Heart

This weekend, finance ministers of the G20 countries are meeting in London to discuss coordinated plans for the economic crisis and plan the agenda for the summit in April.

As background for the summit, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams proposed in a lecture this week that not only economic change, but a change of heart, will be needed to address the global economic crisis. He proposed five principles for economic changes, but also addressed the contribution that Christians could make to help reshape world economics:

Our faith depends on the action of a God who is to be trusted; God keeps promises. There could hardly be a more central theme in Jewish and Christian scripture, and the notion is present in slightly different form in Islam as well. Thus, to live in proper harmony with God, human beings need to be promise-keepers in all areas of their lives, not least in financial dealings.

The perspective of faith understands human beings as part of creation

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