'Who Cares?' -- A Visual Guide to Americans' Charitable Giving | Sojourners

'Who Cares?' -- A Visual Guide to Americans' Charitable Giving


This is a fascinating graph and analysis of "giving" from Mint. If you haven't seen it, take a few moments to study. Would love to read your thoughts and observations.

Americans lead the world in charitable contributions, giving $300 billion a year to charities. Sounds like a lot, right? But this is just a drop in the bucket compared to the over One Trillion Dollars needed to keep U.S. charities in operation, more than the U.S. government collects in taxes. The rest comes from their own assets, government support, and foreign investment. Our visual guide to giving shows who's paying and offers some tips on how to pick a charity of your own.

Eugene ChoEugene Cho, a second-generation Korean-American, is the founder and lead pastor of Quest Church in Seattle and the executive director of Q Cafe, an innovative nonprofit neighborhood café and music venue. You can stalk him at his blog or follow him on Twitter. He and his wife are also launching a grassroots movement, One Day's Wages, to fight extreme global poverty.