Inside Story

The Editors 1-01-2000
What's good for General Motors---and other megacorporations---isn't necessarily good for the rest of us.
The Editors 11-01-1999
Assistant editor Rose Marie Berger traveled to Bosnia and Kosovo in July as part of a pilgrimage led by Don McClanen, founder of an organization called Ministry of Money.
The Editors 9-01-1999

Some things come through planning. We planned to excerpt Ron Sider's forthcoming book Just Generosity, and for Jim Wallis to interview Harvard sociologist William Julius Wilson.

The Editors 7-01-1999
Technology, of course, is a mixed blessing. But especially for those working in difficult and far-flung situations, e-mail can be vital for much more than relaying the latest office humor.
The Editors 5-01-1999
Our lead CultureWatch piece is a profile of writer Anne Lamott, who some would consider, at least on sight, to be an unlikely evangelist.
The Editors 3-01-1999
Hurricane Mitch already spurred us to publish one commentary ("A Mature Compassion," by Marvin Rees, January-February 1999).
The Editors 1-01-1999
Nuclear abolition on the cover of Sojourners? Isn't that awfully retro, a flashback to the same-old same-old? A high-ranking military officer in full uniform on the cover of Sojourners?
The Editors 11-01-1998
The terrorist bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and the subsequent U.S.
The Editors 9-01-1998
A basic principle of organizing is that a group of people with a common purpose can accomplish more than a single individual.
The Editors 7-01-1998
This issue has the final "Signs & Wonders" column from contributing editor Joyce Hollyday.
The Editors 5-01-1998
WE SEEK OUT most of our articles-solicit them from authors or write them ourselves. Once in a while an article is sent in that fits both our plans and our limited space.
The Editors 3-01-1998
Some say chaos brings creativity.
The Editors 1-01-1998
Several people from Sojourners attended the October 1997 Promise Keepers' "Stand in the Gap" gathering here in Washington, D.C.
The Editors 11-09-1997

During the early '70s, some of the people involved with the founding of Sojourners Community and magazine went on a road trip from Chicago  to Washington, D.C.

The Editors 9-01-1997

Once we had gone beyond Left and Right, liberal and conservative, East and West, nothing remained but to go beyond the false categories of taste and decency. 

The Editors 7-01-1997
Miriam Therese Winter is a Catholic sister teaching in a Protestant seminary.
The Editors 5-01-1997
Sometimes (well, occasionally) the words and image that we put on our cover come together quickly, seemingly with little effort on our part.
The Editors 3-01-1997
Following President Clinton's signing of the federal "welfare reform" legislation last August, three top administration officials resigned in protest.
The Editors 1-01-1997

Our cover story is a tribute to Jean Sindab, a tireless worker for peace and justice and a joy-filled and fun-loving woman who died a year ago this month of cancer.

The Editors 11-01-1996
When a beloved person dies abruptly, first the bad news flies, short and rending.