district church

Juliet Vedral 10-25-2013
Photo courtesy of DC127

Foster the City is DC127's first major event, taking place on Nov. 2. Photo courtesy of DC127

"Foster care touches on multiple issues and engaging the system is a way to comprehensively engage some of the biggest challenges to a city’s flourishing." 

There is a new initiative in Washington, D.C. that hopes to so profoundly change the foster care system in the city that the supply of foster homes will far exceed the demand for them. DC127 is an organization committed to “reversing the list” of children and youth who are waiting for a foster or adoptive home. By reminding churches of the biblical mandate to care for widows and orphans, they have started a network in D.C. that spans Christian denominational lines.

The movement is beginning to gain some traction and DC127 is gearing up for its first event on November 2.