Nicholas Kristof

Rodolpho Carrasco 3-01-2010
There's a remarkable article in Saturday's New York Times by Nicholas Kristof: Learning from the Sin of S
Randall Amster 1-29-2010
A number of commentators have questioned the accepted logic that disasters bring out the worst in people, directly challenging the pervasive "looters run amok" imagery often perpetuated by the medi
Eugene Cho 11-30-2009
In every culture and in every part of the world, this injustice is present. What is the oldest injustice in the world?

Molly Marsh 9-10-2009

Promoting gender equality is crucial to combating global poverty, a point Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn make in their new book,

Brian McLaren 8-24-2009
Thomas Friedman, learning from an experience on safari in Botswana, gets it right in his <
Harper McConnell 6-24-2009

It was hard to miss me on the lava-rocked streets of Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo, while I was working for a locally led organization, HEAL Africa. I lacked the grace of Congolese women who glided across the tumultuous terrain in high heels while I tripped over the ubiquitous black rocks.

Harper McConnell 6-01-2009
We were in Masisi, a small town in the endless rolling green mountains of eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
Brian McLaren 2-05-2008

On this Super Tuesday, there will no doubt be a lot of discussion (again) about the role of religion