
Jennifer Kottler 12-09-2009

I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore

Charles Gutenson 11-25-2009
Well, they were all brought to you be political progressives, they were all opposed by political conservatives, and they all are now viewed as fundamental presuppositions of a healthy society by vi
Megan Grove 11-13-2009

Young and old, large and small, farmers and pastors, men and women all lined the streets in front of Publix grocery stores in Florida last month.

John Gehring 11-06-2009
As an urbanite fortunate to live within walking distance of work and trendy restaurants, I rarely drive these days.
Jennifer Kottler 11-05-2009
I don't know about you, but I rarely, if ever travel the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. I've heard it's a rough neighborhood -- people get robbed, beaten and left for dead.
We continue the roller coaster ride that we hope will end with universal or near universal coverage for health care in the United States.
Megan Grove 10-22-2009

Romeo Ramirez knows a thing or two about abuse. Ramirez became a spokesperson for the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) in the mid '90s after witnessing a fellow worker being beaten for taking a water break.

Cathleen Falsani 9-04-2009

To work is to pray.

It's a Latin phrase that the Order of St. Benedict adopted as its motto.

St. Benedict, the founder of the order, recognized the sacred value of hard work, the notion that through the sweat of our brows and the strength of our arms and backs, we can worship the Creator.

People of faith can celebrate today as the federal minimum wage increases from $6.55 to $7.25 an hour.
Oscar Perry Abello 6-02-2009
For too many households around the world, living paycheck-to-paycheck is a luxury out of reach.
Jimmy McCarty 5-07-2009

This past Friday, May 1, 2009, I joined with thousands of others across the country in marching for immigrant and worker's rights.

Diana Butler Bass 4-17-2009
Wednesday morning, at 9 a.m. sharp, I took my tax payment to the local post office. When I handed it to the clerk, she said, "I hate tax day." I replied, "Not me.
Chuck Collins 4-13-2009
Where are the prophetic voices on the topic of taxation this April 15?

Jim Wallis 3-26-2009

While watching President Obama's press conference Tuesday evening, I was struck by a few things that are often forgotten in the criticism of his proposed budget.

Jim Wallis 3-12-2009

"Without justice, what are kingdoms but bands of robbers?"

Elizabeth Palmberg 3-11-2009
[continued from part one] Recently, Neil Watkins took some time to answer a few questions fr
Elizabeth Palmberg 3-11-2009
Recently, Neil Watkins took some time to answer a few questions from Sojourners assistant editor Elizabeth Palmberg about the upcoming G-20 meeting, the global economic crisis, and hel
Onleilove Alston 2-16-2009
In the fall of 2007, not long after I started to work with New York Faith & Justice, I learned of an in-depth Bible study on http://www.bib