
Heather Wilson 1-29-2010

Reported in a recent Times article, leading non-governmental organizations (NGOs), speculate that the militarization of aid in Afghanistan blurs lines between military and humanitarian responses, jeopardizing the success of projects and the lives of staff, wanting a return of all aid work to NGOs.

Arthur Waskow 1-28-2010

Tuesday morning -- just two days ago -- I wrote to half a dozen leaders of progressive thought and action in America, each separately, the letter that follows.

Heather Wilson 1-22-2010
While the story of bible-verses-on-gun-scopes is getting more press, I am just (if not more) disturbed to read of a U.S.
Justin Fung 1-20-2010

In case you haven't already seen this, it's been discovered that gunsights on weapons used by British and American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan are inscribed with coded biblical references, including:

Jarrod McKenna 12-29-2009
Sad news from Sydney as a headline for the ABC read, "Abusive letter suspect 'a peace activist'".
Jim Wallis 12-23-2009

We first published this reflection by Jim Wallis in 2002. It has since become our Christmas tradition, kind of our own Charlie Brown Christmas special, if you will. With the ongoing conflicts raging during each passing year, it remains tragically relevant, particularly this year as we think about Afghanistan.

I recently returned from 8 days in Melbourne Australia where I attended the 2009 Parliament of the World's Religions.
Multiple Authors 12-21-2009
Advent is with us again, calling us to reflect and review, and the Sojourners policy team wants to thank you for walking with us in 2009.
Brian McLaren 12-18-2009
As I suggested in my previous post, I was troubled by some elements of the president'
Jarrod McKenna 12-17-2009
What if? What if Obama's speech had not simply referenced Gandhi and King but followed them in following the way of Jesus?
Jim Wallis 12-14-2009
President Obama laid out a moral defense of the use of force in his acceptance speech in Oslo
The decision has been made. The orders have been signed. The first wave of the 30,000 additional warriors heading to Afghanistan is scheduled to arrive before Christmas.
Jim Wallis 12-02-2009

The decision by President Obama to send additional troops to Afghanistan saddens me. I believe it is a mistake, it is the wrong direction for U.S.

Jim Wallis 11-19-2009

Your voice is being heard. Already, thousands of you have signed a letter and contacted the White House urging a new way forward in Afghanistan.

Matthew Soerens 11-13-2009

Last weekend, as a group of religiously-committed pro-life Democrats in the House of Representatives found themselves at odds with the majority of their party over an abortion-related amendment in

Jim Wallis 11-12-2009
When all you have is a hammer everything seems like a nail. No famous line more aptly applies to the president's current dilemma of seeking the best solution for Afghanistan.
Logan Isaac 11-09-2009
Like so many across our country, I have been reeling about the news coming out of Ft. Hood, TX.
Laurel Frodge 11-06-2009
It may be too idealistic to believe that one day the U.S. will elect a pacifist as president or that Gen.