
Tony Campolo 3-24-2009

When it comes to President Obama's stimulus package and its provisions to help those Americans who are having great difficulty paying their home mortgages, I have come to realize that I'm like the older brother in the story of the Prodigal Son.

Barbara Born 3-22-2009
Bible readings from the Revised Common Lectionary: Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm107; Ephesians 2:1-10; John 3:14-21

Onleilove Alston 3-19-2009
During this Lenten season The Poverty Initiative is inviting you to join us as we reflect on the last week in the life of Jesus and the last year of
Jeannie Choi 3-16-2009
If you all didn't know already, Sojourners has a twitter account! It's been a lot of fun communicating with all of you "followers" on twitter.
Julie Clawson 3-09-2009
Shortly after I took a position as Children's Ministry Director at a small Baptist church, I sat down with the kids under my care and asked them what questions they would like to ask God.
Mimi Haddad 3-08-2009
How many times have we heard that women are more easily deceived than men?
Mimi Haddad 3-04-2009

"A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve.

Barbara Born 3-02-2009
Bible readings from the Revised Common Lectionary: Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16; Psalm 22; Romans 4:13-25; Mark 8:31-38
Barby Zuniga Ward 2-26-2009
Most of my life I have been thinking about race and religion -- as a child when my family left my native Costa Rica to move to inner-city New Jersey, as a teenager struggling to develop my faith an
Barbara Born 2-25-2009
Bible readings from the Revised Common Lectionary: Joel 2:1-2, 12-17; Psalm 51; 2nd Corinthians 5:20b-6:10; Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21.

Teddy Warria 2-24-2009

I am the tenth of 17 children from a polygamous East African family. I hail from the village of Kamnwa in western Kenya, near the shores of Lake Victoria, and grew up in Nairobi City.

Mimi Haddad 2-24-2009

So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.

Onleilove Alston 2-16-2009
In the fall of 2007, not long after I started to work with New York Faith & Justice, I learned of an in-depth Bible study on http://www.bib
Cathleen Falsani 2-10-2009

Chicago's own Dwight L. Moody, the great American evangelist of the 19th century, once said that of 100 people, one would read the Bible, and the other 99 would "read the Christian."

Cathleen Falsani 2-02-2009

Former President Jimmy Carter just published a new book about the ongoing violent unrest in the Middle East titled, We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land: A Plan That Will Work.

Mimi Haddad 2-02-2009
Do you find it curious that some Christians seem entirely focused on gender differences? Have you also noticed that this is rarely the posture of scripture?
Mimi Haddad 1-23-2009
Have you ever noticed how scripture celebrates our interdependence, our mutuality, and our oneness as the church?
Cathleen Falsani 1-22-2009
President Obama's inaugural address might not have been one for the ages.

But it certainly was the right one for the moment.

Lisa Sharon Harper 1-21-2009

We waited for 30 minutes. Standing, awkward, we looked up at the board. When I arrived at Penn Station the board said train #167, enroute to Washington D.C., "25 mins late"... Five minutes later, "30 mins late." The terminal filled up, more people standing -- waiting ... and wondering if the others hovering with backpacks and napsacks and yoga mats were all waiting for the same thing.