
Rose Marie Berger 7-01-2006

Olive Branch. In April, 120 former Israel Defense Force soldiers and Palestinian militants publicly launched “Combatants for Peace,” a partnership of former enem

Rose Marie Berger 12-01-2005
A Plumpy’nut Christmas
Shareholder Values

Faith is influencing the actions of shareholders, according to a February 2004 report by the Interfaith Center for Corporate Responsibility. "ICCR members are at the forefront of the social and environmental shareholder movement," said ICCR Executive Director Pat Wolf.

David Batstone 9-01-2003

An interview with The Body Shop founder Anita Roddick.

Rose Marie Berger, 9-01-2003

Harbor City Services Inc.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, in his annual New Years speech last year, warned that his grandson would "discover a world of shocking inequality..."

Julie Polter 3-01-2001
You can't go home again—there aren't any jobs there anymore.
While initially costing a company more in wages, a living wage stimulates an "upward spiral" of indirect benefits to the company.
Some of the wealthiest people in America are seeking justice instead of tax shelters.
Julie Polter 1-01-2001

NAME: Roger Rath

Jim Rice 11-01-2000

The Broetjes had a crazy idea—to treat their workers like people.

Founded by a handful of Oklahoma farmers in 1903, family-owned First Bethany Bank & Trust recalls some of the finest traditions of small-town business.

Jeffrey L. Seglin 1-01-2000

The body of literature on business ethics is growing rapidly. Here are some resources that treat the subject soundly without making it seem that ethical decision-making is simple.

Laura L. Nash 1-01-2000

As the old moral infrastructure crumbles, will faith take its place?

Laura L. Nash 1-01-2000

Jack Feldbaile, CEO of a large firm, describes a business decision that he feels highlights the tensions he faced as a Christian in business.

Jeffrey L. Seglin 1-01-2000

(And Why Being Good is Good for Business).

Jeffrey L. Seglin 1-01-2000

A growing number of Web sites focus on business ethics. Inc. Online’s Ethics Corner features links to articles on business ethics for Inc. magazine

Elizabeth Newberry 1-01-2000

Judy Wicks sees her restaurant, the White Dog Cafe in Philadelphia, as an experiment in bringing business and social responsibility together.