
Jarrod McKenna 12-17-2009
What if? What if Obama's speech had not simply referenced Gandhi and King but followed them in following the way of Jesus?
If all we notice in President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize Lecture is a justification of war, we will miss the 21st<
Hayley Hathaway 12-07-2009

Liberia is the most recent country to fall into the talons of a "vulture fund." Last week, British courts ruled that Liberia has to pay $20 million to two vulture funds, Wall Capital Ltd. and Hamsah Investments, for a debt that dates back to 1978.

Jim Wallis 12-02-2009

The decision by President Obama to send additional troops to Afghanistan saddens me. I believe it is a mistake, it is the wrong direction for U.S.

Justin Fung 11-25-2009

"Some 70 percent of women experience in their lifetime some form of physical or sexual violence from men -- the majority from husbands, intimate partners or someone they know."

Jim Wallis 11-19-2009

Your voice is being heard. Already, thousands of you have signed a letter and contacted the White House urging a new way forward in Afghanistan.

Jim Wallis 11-12-2009
When all you have is a hammer everything seems like a nail. No famous line more aptly applies to the president's current dilemma of seeking the best solution for Afghanistan.
Randy Woodley 11-12-2009
In November we first think of Thanksgiving, and as we Native Americans say, Thanksgiving is a time when we once again reflect upon all we have and the genocide it took to get it.
Laurel Frodge 11-06-2009
It may be too idealistic to believe that one day the U.S. will elect a pacifist as president or that Gen.
John Gehring 11-06-2009
As an urbanite fortunate to live within walking distance of work and trendy restaurants, I rarely drive these days.
Andrew Clouse 11-02-2009
Friday morning, Hillary Clinton praised what she called "an historic agreement" between de facto President Roberto Micheletti and deposed President Manuel Zelaya.
Jim Wallis 10-29-2009
We've all been watching carefully as the Obama administration tries to decide how to move forward on U.S. policy in Afghanistan.
Brian McLaren 10-22-2009
I am a loyal supporter of your presidency. I worked hard in the campaign and have never been as proud of my country as I was when we elected you.

Eugene Cho 10-19-2009

Like many folks a couple weeks ago, I was stunned that Obama had won the Nobel Peace Prize. In fact, I thought it was some sort of joke but alas, it was legit. But I did manage to get couple tweets in there including this one:

It has been over a week since the news story broke of the deadly beating of 16 year old Derrion Albert on Chicago's South
I have a neighbor who has a little maxim he uses to explain much of what he sees on the news or reads about in the local paper.