
People of faith can celebrate today as the federal minimum wage increases from $6.55 to $7.25 an hour.
Tracey Bianchi 7-22-2009

[continued from part 1] ... Here is why I am not about to toss my kids into the car and dash out for cheap juice boxes:

Tracey Bianchi 7-21-2009

Well color me happy (as the saying goes): Wal-Mart just released a big claim to be greening up its act. But what does their claim really mean and how do we define what corporate green looks like anyway? Especially since lately, corporate green seems to grow everywhere, at times fertilized by a healthy dose of corporate greed.

Brian McLaren 7-20-2009
My friend Bob Carlton sent me this link to a Guardian piece by Madeleine Bunting, "
John Gehring 7-10-2009
When Pope Benedict XVI meets with President Obama in Rome today, a shy German theologian and a charismatic leader known for his international rock star appeal will find plenty to agree on despite s
Brian McLaren 7-10-2009
Jim Wallis has provided a helpful summary of the Pope's encyclical Caritas in
Jim Wallis 7-09-2009
As the G8 Summit begins in Italy, Pope Benedict XVI has released a new encyclical on the global economy.
Elizabeth Palmberg 6-24-2009
w5fpwem56m w5h2kbxnzs Is the U.S. finally sick and tired of a corporate-dominated trade agenda that is making people around the world sick?
Elizabeth Palmberg 6-19-2009
As I look at where we need to get, pronto -- 350 parts per million or less carbon in the atmosphere, sustainable use of planetary resources, and a world economy consistent with those things -- and
Barbara Grady 6-18-2009
When La'Kyla Byrd cleared trails and tended to trees in Denver's City Park this past year as a member of Mile High Youth Corps, she also cleared a p
Imagine America's 'Rust Belt' transformed into a green belt of clean energy manufacturing. Imagine the factories of Detroit making wind turbines and solar panels to power America.
Oscar Perry Abello 6-10-2009
If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. If you teach his wife how to fish, you feed the whole family for a lifetime.
Hayley Hathaway 6-04-2009
Earlier last month, President Obama requested $108 billion in new money for the International Monetary Fund to show the world that we stood up for our commitments to fighting the global recession.
Oscar Perry Abello 6-02-2009
For too many households around the world, living paycheck-to-paycheck is a luxury out of reach.
Elizabeth Palmberg 6-01-2009
In our recent blog, we described how money "creation" meets the needs of a gradually expanding economy
Joey Ager 6-01-2009

Amidst the news of global market collapse, 11 of the world’s leading ethical banks met for the first time in March to form the Global Alliance for Banking on Values and to develop new strateg

Bob Goudzwaard 6-01-2009

How the out-of-control buying and selling of money led to our current crisis.

Ed Spivey Jr. 6-01-2009

As I sit at my desk thinking up innovative ideas for the coming decade—MacArthur Mediocrity Grants, AIG offices relocating to Guan­tanamo, AIDS awareness seminars for the pope (“I d

Can a government-subsidized press save democracy?
Bob Goudzwaard 5-28-2009
If the financial crisis shows anything, it's that what's happening on Wall Street matters to Main Street, and that we should never take "it's too complicated for you to understand" as an answer