
Eugene Cho 11-05-2009
I want to follow up on yesterday's post which I believe has broken the record for the longest title in history: http://blog.sojo.net/2009/11/04/three-general-thoughts-on-deadly-vipers-...
Aaron Taylor 11-03-2009
Every three years, young evangelists from around the world gather in Portland Oregon to attend a conference put on by the Next Generation Alliance, an organization dedicated to mentoring the next g
Margaret Benefiel 10-26-2009
At a major conference at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Hamilton, Massachusetts recently, 500 evangelicals met to discuss how to "renew the evangelical mission."

Ryan Rodrick Beiler 10-16-2009

I had invited one of our regular bloggers to comment on the "desert cross" controversy--a Supreme Court case deciding the appropriateness of a cross erected on Mojave National Preserve to honor World War I dead.

Aaron Taylor 10-15-2009
I'm trembling as I write this one.
LaVonne Neff 10-14-2009

For more than sixty years American presidents have tried to reform our health-care system, to no avail.

Phil Haslanger 10-13-2009
Dan Brown, the author of The Da Vinci Code and of Angels and Demons, has a new book out
Efrem Smith 10-12-2009
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke often of something he called the beloved community. This was the title given to describe a reality in which freedom, love, justice, and reconciliation would reign.
Jim Wallis 10-08-2009
Over the course of the health-care debate, voices of faith have been raised about the moral values at stake beneath the policy discussions.
Luke McFadden 10-07-2009
My first job after college forever changed the way I prayed. Before I started it, I prayed that God would show me how to best serve him after receiving my diploma.
I have a neighbor who has a little maxim he uses to explain much of what he sees on the news or reads about in the local paper.
Jeremy Del Rio 10-01-2009

"He who sings prays twice." -- Saint Augustine

"What's going on?" -- Marvin Gaye

Cathleen Falsani 9-28-2009
If there had been a way to power-wash my brain, I would have done it.

Mimi Haddad 9-23-2009
The gender discussion in the church today is captured succinctly by New Testament scholar Gordon Fee in http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1102710879856&s=5547&e=0012JIqccVLH7ea6GyBLMz
Brian McLaren 9-23-2009
What could be more joyful than rediscovering our God-given role as caretakers, stewards, and lovers of creation?
Mimi Haddad 9-15-2009
Have you ever noticed how every day language is used to manipulate and shape rather than describe reality? Here is one example.