health insurance

"The first rule of Fight Club is you do not talk about Fight Club." I said this the first time I came to work with bruises on my face.

LaVonne Neff 9-14-2009
In his September 9 New York Times article, "Big Food vs.
Jim Wallis 9-10-2009
In his speech last evening, President Barack Obama made the commitments that a broad coalition in the fait
Rachel Black 9-10-2009
Numbers released today from the U.S. Census Bureau confirmed what has become widely apparent: more people are living in poverty because of the economic recession. It's tragic but obvious.
The United States is the richest nation on earth. It has some of the best-trained physicians and best medical facilities on earth. It is a leader in medical innovation and medical education.
Arthur Jones 9-01-2009
As the debate over health-care reform heats up, conflicting claims from both sides make it increasingly difficult to sort out the issues and choose a position for which to advocate.
Aaron Taylor 8-31-2009
Wendell Potter worked for 15 years as the head of public relations for CIGNA, one of the largest health insurance companies in the U.S.
Arthur Waskow 8-28-2009
For 25 years I have been a member of a private health insurance plan that seemed to be meeting my needs. My problems were routine, and so were their responses.

John Gehring 8-27-2009
If you watch enough cable news you would think the fight over health-care reform has been reduced to protestors screaming about socialism, "death panels," and the evils of government.
Leah Garrett 8-27-2009
This week many of you heard the story of Sam.* Sam was a 21-year-old young man from a hard-working family. Over the course of several weeks in July he experienced extreme stomach pains.
Neeraj Mehta 8-25-2009
I'm not sure I completely understand the health-care debate. But I'm going to take a shot and put down my thoughts and would love additional education, feedback, and thoughts as well.

Jim Wallis 8-20-2009
With all of the shouting, the fear, and now what often looks like hatred -- we are in danger of losing the moral "core" of this health-care debate.
The Declaration of Independence says:

Allison Johnson 8-17-2009
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