
Nadia Bolz-Weber 2-10-2010

This week my friend Sara reminded me that the really amazing thing about 1 Corinthians 13 is that even hundreds of thousands of schlocky wedding and inspirational posters and bad Christian coffee mugs can't kill it. Paul's hymn to love is perhaps one of the most recognizable texts in the New Testament. And it is really beautiful

With more than a third of our children now overweight and many already diabetic, Americans of all political colors should commend the First Lady for her recently-announced campaign against childhoo
Becky Garrison 1-22-2010

In Jacob Needleman's newest book What Is God?, he examines some new ways of approaching one of the critical questions asked by humanity.

Tracey Bianchi 12-02-2009
It's time to haul out the Christmas lights and stockings, Advent calendars, and odd-shaped Santa pillows from grandparents. Every year I sort of dread dragging all the chaos out of the basement.
We learned the story in Sunday school:

Mimi Haddad 8-10-2009
"Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed.
Jim Wallis 7-02-2009
Over the course of the 2008 election season, I kept hearing from some of my conservative religious friends of the great presidential hopes they had for a smart and ambitious governor from South Car
I am heartened by a new analysis of data from a 2006 Pew Research Center poll, which indicates that people who go to c
Julie Clawson 6-18-2009
At a recent wedding I attended, one of the groomsmen toasted the bride saying that she was going to make the perfect wife because she had already demonstrated her ability to be her fiancé's
I have never met you but I have to thank you. You are half a world a way but I'm watching you on TV, reading blogs, looking at pictures and following your Twitter updates.
Many problems in our society will be solved when young men are willing to become good fathers. Of course, they can do this only if they have an example to follow.