immigration policy

Andrew Wainer 7-26-2010
"What part of illegal don't you understand?"

Debra Dean Murphy 6-15-2010

Last month, an encounter between Michelle Obama and a Latina child in a suburban Maryland school brought into sharp relief one of the most pressing issues surrounding U.S.

Noel Castellanos 6-07-2010
This week, a group of 150 Christian leaders committed to the ministry of reconciliation in their churches, communities, schools, and organizations gathered at Duke Divinity School to explore how th
Ian Danley 5-17-2010

My beloved city, Phoenix, is making a fantastic run at being the punch line in the larger immigration drama. I wish we were focused on a less volatile campaign, working toward getting the Olympics or something.

Jonny 5 5-04-2010

About a year ago, when we were writing our song "White Flag Warrior," my friend (and fellow frontman) Stephen and I had quite a conversation. We talked about Leonard Cohen's song "Story of Isaac" and about Kierkegaard's multiple interpretations of Genesis 22, about Malcolm X challenging MLK Jr.

Debra Dean Murphy 5-03-2010

There's a scene in the film Food, Inc. that reveals the hypocrisy at the heart of U.S.

Ian Danley 4-15-2010
The following blog is a response to the passage of controversial immigration legislation in Arizona.
Douglas Kmiec 4-15-2010
It is far too easy to blame the highly publicized priestly scandal for the alienation of Catholics in Europe or the United States.

Here are some of my favorite shots from yesterday's massive immigration rally on the National Mall.


Jill Holslin 3-11-2010

My friend Dan and I walked along Avenida Internacional, the four-lane highway that runs along the border between Tijuana and San Diego, on our way to get a view of the DHS border fence construction from the Tijuana side.

Juliana Schnur 1-22-2010
While the recent crisis in Haiti has spurred many Americans to action -- through donations, public service, humanitarian aid, etc.
Efrem Smith 10-19-2009
In this short clip from a recent sermon, Pastor Efrem encourages European Americans to remember their own immigrant heritage and history in order to inform their current attitudes toward immigratio
Seth Hoy 10-16-2009

For many years now, religious leaders and diverse faith groups have contributed much to the ongoing immigration debate.

Jose Morales 10-14-2009
What is at the core of the immigration issue? What is the driving force of the debate? I say it is fear.

Allison Johnson 8-17-2009
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