
Kent Annan 1-12-2011

To commemorate the anniversary of the devastating earthquake in Haiti, the Haiti Partners youth choir, WOZO, sings about those who have pas

Jim Wallis 1-11-2011

The horrible shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and others is an important American moment.

Jim Wallis 1-06-2011
On New Year's Day I sat and reflected on the past year.
Eugene Cho 1-06-2011
Yesterday morning, I arrived at Q Cafe as I do on nearly every work morning to begin a new day.
Bethany Anderson 12-27-2010

Maria, 7, and Lupe, 3, are our next-door neighbors. For some reason, they have decided they like coming to our house. I'm not exactly sure why, we have nothing that I would consider appealing to a 3- and 7-year-old, but they come ... almost daily. Because of this, and our history with their family over the past few years, we have gotten to know their story quite intimately.

Lisa Sharon Harper 12-14-2010
Last week I sat at a breakfast table with prominent New York City faith leaders. The topic of the morning was: "In this post-election moment, what issues are you passionate about?
Nadia Bolz-Weber 12-01-2010

In this season in which we find ourselves there is an anticipatory feeling in the air. A waiting, a longing, and yearning. This is a time filled with preparations and signs and symbols. Everything leads to this promised future. With our turkey stuffed bellies, we awaken from a tryptophan-induced coma of carbohydrates to the coming of what feels like the end time -- for there will be sales and rumors of sales. So stay awake my brothers and sisters because the doorbusting shopacalypse is upon us. Yet my heart was glad when they said to me, let us go at 5 a. m to the house of the Lord and Taylor. For on that holy mountain, people will stream from east and west, north and south, and all nations will come. They will turn plastic cards into shiny promises of love in the form of bigger plastic and cloth and metal and wire.  They will go down from this mountain to wrap their bits of plastic and cloth and metal and wire. They will wrap it all in paper, to wait for that day. The day of mythical, sentimentalized domesticity when the hopes and dreams of love and family and acceptance and perfect, perfect reciprocity will come to pass. And the children shall believe that they shall be always good and never bad for Santa will come like a thief in the night. No one knows the hour so you better be good for goodness sake.

Allen Johnson 10-19-2010

More than 2,000 activists gathered at Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C.

Becky Garrison 10-18-2010

Nicholas Kristof dubbed the film Budrus, "this year's must-see documentary," noting that the fil

Jeff Johnsen 10-11-2010
I was invited to be the guest preacher one Sunday this summer at a church in a suburb of my city, Denver, Colorado.
Becky Garrison 10-06-2010
From September 7 to 11, the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) celebrated 20 years of restoring under-resourced communities.
Karen Lattea 10-04-2010
In the midst of matching mentors to new interns a couple of weeks ago at Sojourners, I came to an uncomfortable realization.
Eugene Cho 10-01-2010

I received a letter this week from the White House. A big fat packet. Ain't I special?

Julie Clawson 10-01-2010
We have all heard the old saying that Satan's greatest ploy is to get people to stop believing in him.
Jim Wallis 9-30-2010

Glenn Beck can do better. Fox News can do better. When it comes to upholding truth and having civil dialogues, let's be honest, we all can do better.

Troy Jackson 9-27-2010
Last week more than 500 people gathered in Washington, D.C. to lobby for the DREAM Act.