
Seth Naicker 6-11-2010
I have committed my work, social action, and development endeavors to a social consciousness and awareness that propels a high standard of morality, ethics, and codes of conduct.
Marque Jensen 6-03-2010

If migration policy was "freed" or emancipated, people could respond to real work opportunities, economies would be able to grow globally, the federal and state focus could be put on fighting crime and http://www.latina.com/lifestyle/news-politics/immigration-

Tracey Bianchi 6-02-2010

In the daily grind of life there are few obstacles as irritating as traffic. The opening scene of "Office Space" deftly captures the sentiment. You know it, the neurotic jockeying and ill-fated attempts we make to slip ourselves into the lane that appears to be moving.

David Cortright 5-18-2010
The nuclear fuel swap deal signed between Iran and Turkey and Brazil is a positive development that deserves U.S. support.
Rebecca Curtin 5-10-2010
Last month, at the height of the media coverage of the most recent sex abuse crisis, Father Francis Clooney, a professor at Harvard Divinity School and Director of the Center for the Study of Wor
Jonny 5 4-30-2010

I am a rapper. I rap in a band called Flobots. Today is day one of our spring tour promoting our new album Survival Story, so I am writing this from a tour bus in a hotel parking lot in Albuquerque.

Crissy Brooks 4-30-2010
Recently I turned to a conservative, white businessman friend to get some insight into how immigrants enhance our culture.
Marco Saavedra 4-30-2010
This January, four immigrant college students from Florida began a fifteen hundred mile pilgrimage, "risking their future because the present is unbearable" (Matos, 23, in http://www.nytim
Tracey Bianchi 4-28-2010
Yikes. It has been a long month, and it is technically not over yet. Green jargon and advertising every place your eyes dare to settle.
Jennifer Wheeler 4-12-2010
The legal definition of Child Support is "periodic monetary payments by the non-custodial parent for the care of his or her minor child." In our country, non-custodial parents are usually obligat
Cesar Baldelomar 4-06-2010

I recently viewed an episode of Gangland on The History Channel. This particular show, which documents the rise of the younger members of the Imperial Klan of America (or KKK), really roused my anger. I thought, "How could people be so ignorant and foolish?" Can't they just accept that the United States has always been an ethnically, religiously, and ideologically diverse country?

Jennifer Kottler 3-26-2010
I get asked often how I can stay in the crazy business of trying to change and shape public policy.
Eugene Cho 3-15-2010

First of all, I have several pictures below I'd love to share with you from my recent trip to Haiti. It's surreal to me that a week ago, I was in Haiti -- hosted by the good folks at World Concern. The primary reason was to assess the work they've done and grasp a glimpse of the strategy ahead -- for them and other organizations.

President Obama has postponed his trip to Guam, Indonesia, and Australia to work for the passage of health-care reform.
Carol Keehan 3-15-2010

As I watched our president present his plan to pass the health reform legislation, it was clear this is a historic opportunity to make great improvements in the lives of so many Americans. Is it perfect? No. Does it cover everyone? No. But is it a major first step? Yes.

Angela Batie 3-05-2010
I have a fantasy persona. There are only select times that I'm tempted to bring it out: on an airplane, out with friends on a Friday night, on vacation, at the dentist.