
There is some good conversation going around God's Politics partner blogs about what role race is playing in the current wave of opposition to Obama's policies, including Rep.
LaVonne Neff 9-04-2009

Last week a friend who knows my dogs sent me a link to Wendy Francisco's wildly popular new song, "God and Dog" (more than half a million views at time of writing). G-o-d and d-o-G--two words, one kind of love. "They would stay with me all day; / I'm the one who walks away.

Logan Isaac 8-04-2009
I'm a big fan of iTunesU, and I usually try to listen to informative podcasts on long drives, since I can't read and drive simultaneously.
Cesar Baldelomar 7-22-2009

Throughout history, individuals and institutions have cited the Bible to support injustices, such as "holy war" against infidels, the subjection of women, racism and slavery, and the abuse of homos

Ernesto Tinajero 7-16-2009
Judge Sonia Sotomayor has begun jumping through the Senate's ritual hoops to become the next member of the Supreme Court.
Aaron Taylor 6-10-2009
The world stood at attention as President Obama gave a historic speech to the Muslim world. In mainstream U.S.
Phyllis Tickle 8-17-2008

Summer Sundays with Phyllis Tickle

peachesThere's a great deal of conversation these days about the nature of human consciousness and, as a related issue, about the true definition of "human" and how it can be best described. There's so much such conversation, in fact, that it is essentially impossible (especially [...]