
Duane Shank 5-01-1998
Communities pitch in to help people out of poverty.
Carol Fennelly 5-01-1998
An effort to protect churches' public ministries.
Carol Welch 5-01-1998
Who profits from the Asia bailouts?
Marie Dennis 5-01-1998
The worldwide movement for debt relief is rooted in Jubilee.
Barbara Howell 3-01-1998
The rolls are down, but hunger is up.
Duane Shank 3-01-1998
Building a movement to overcome poverty.
Jim Wallis 1-01-1998

Several notes and e-mails commented on the mention of my then wife-to-be in my column last month.

How will your community participate in the second annual "Pentecost to Overcome Poverty"?
Vicki Kemper 12-01-1988

Ponder for a moment the following factsabout poverty in our world today. 

Jim Wallis 11-01-1988

The so-called economic recovery has been painfully selective.

Jim Wallis 10-01-1987

The Iran-contra hearings have provided a summer-long opportunity for Reagan administration spokespersons to make their case for the contras on national television.

John Dear 8-01-1987

What you hear in the whispers, proclaim from the housetops.
--Matthew 10:27

The children really are our future.

Joyce Hollyday 3-01-1986

A biblical perspective on women and poverty.

A call from the Taize community: make the church a parable of sharing and it will play its part in healing the wounds of the human family.

Clark H. Pinnock 5-01-1974

Our text draws an important connection between the fullness of the Spirit and the impulse to minister to the poor and unfortunate. This is the Acts connection.