
Mississippi votes to keep the 'Stars and Bars.'

Bob McLalan 3-01-2001
A conservative Republican makes the case for reparations for African Americans.

Honky, by Yale sociologist Dalton Conley, is a memoir of growing up during the 1970s and 1980s in the projects of New York's Lower East Side.

Chris Rice 11-01-2000

A straight-shooting white friend once commented that whenever blacks and whites are together it's like there's a "big pile of poop in the middle of the room..."

Larry Bellinger 3-01-2000
Ed Koch and Al Sharpton find common cause.
Rose Marie Berger 3-01-2000
Census 2000 and a changing America.
Chris Rice 1-01-2000

Are we only liberated from something or are we also liberated into something?

Will Campbell 11-01-1999
It's time to admit: We've lost the War on Drugs
The message of the Illinois shooting: Race matters.
Ordinary people could bring about a more just society. But to do so, we have to work together. An interview with sociologist William Julius Wilson.
Chris Rice 9-01-1999

The continuing scandal is summed up in a 1997 Gallup Poll: The Christian church remains the one "highly segregated" major institution of American public life.

Spencer Perkins' long road to reconciliation.
Spencer Perkins 11-01-1998
Or does diversity enrich our new 'creaturehood'?
Jimmy McGee 11-01-1998
Reconciliation, forgiveness, and the pursuit of justice.
Chris Rice 11-01-1998
Spencer Perkins showed us what reconciliation looks like.
Jim Wallis 7-01-1998

The debate over affirmative action can get confusing because it quickly degenerates into complicated legal battles that most people don’t understand. In the midst of the confusion, the moral issues of this debate are the most important.

Let’s start with the most basic social fact: The United States is not a level racial playing field. Equal opportunity regardless of race has yet to be achieved in our country. We have made substantial progress, but middle-class blacks, Latinos, and Asians can still tell current stories of discrimination based solely on skin color. And for millions of people of color trapped in segregated underclass neighborhoods, hope has faded away of ever escaping poverty and violence. Most Americans, and even most white people if pressed, would probably admit that we don’t yet have a society whose rewards and benefits are "colorblind."

Affirmative action has always existed in America—for white men from affluent classes, in particular. Does anyone really want to argue that all the privileges that accrue to white people of means and their children are earned? Privilege perpetuates itself, in part by maintaining the social, economic, and political structures and habits that assist and assure its perpetuation. It is not whether anyone should get affirmative action, but rather whether anyone other than white men should get it. The question is what kind and how it will be implemented.

Diversity is not an option for America, it is our reality. The issue about diversity as we prepare to enter a new century is whether we will see it as a strength to embrace or a problem to be solved.

The unique experience of black America.
How do we describe our altered racial landscape?

It's time for a new conversation on race in America.

Jim Wallis 11-01-1995

O.J.Simpson and Louis Farrakhan are as contradictory figures as two people could be.