
They were described using the first word on George Carlin's list of the seven words you cannot say on television.
Chris Butler 4-27-2010
As an urban minister and a political professional, there have been two big news stories that I have followed with some level interest recently.
Elizabeth Palmberg 4-27-2010

Last month, the Guinness World Records folks certified American Bryan Berg as building the world's largest house of cards, a replica of a hotel and casino in Macau.

What is the Tea Party position on war?

Elizabeth Palmberg 4-09-2010

Well, it looks like some folks are coming to the District of Columbia this April 15 to protest under the "tea party" banner.

George Mitrovich 4-02-2010
As a Christian, I have a high level of sensitivity toward Jews, of a never-ending sense to be protective of their religion
On Saturday when the House of Representatives passed the health-care reform bill and on Tuesday when President Obama signed it into law, many of us who have been advocating for health-care reform s
Ernesto Tinajero 3-03-2010
I have been reluctant to write about health care recently.

Good will is a primary element of moral conduct. This is an important idea in the thought of philosopher Immanuel Kant. A good will is good in itself because it does not depend upon whether or not the person will benefit from a particular action or not.

When President Obama took questions from Congressional Republicans recently, he spoke about Republican characterizations of his health-care reform plan as something akin to a "Bolshevik plot." Ther
Liane Rozzell 1-22-2010
Imagine a prison where an inmate asks to stay an extra two weeks beyond his release date.
Jennifer Kottler 12-09-2009

I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore

Sheldon Good 11-27-2009
As the health-care bill passes through Congress, one wonders about an issue that has been left out of discussions. No, not abortion. Food.
Elizabeth Palmberg 11-18-2009
The World Summit on Food Security ended today in Rome, with words about cutting hunger, but no real progress on one of hunger's key causes: specula