
Debra Dean Murphy 3-16-2011
As Americans were complaining about all the snow this winter, arguing about the" ta
Noel Castellanos 3-10-2011
"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the [Lord], is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." (James 1:27)

Lynne Hybels 3-09-2011
On the weekend of Oct. 6, 2001 -- less than one month after 9/11 -- my husband preached a sermon called "Religion Gone Awry." That was not the message he had originally scheduled for that weekend.
Every Lenten season I give up something, usually chocolate. I sometimes fast for several hours during the day. Sometimes I read an extra book or two, usually on peace theory.
Debra Dean Murphy 3-08-2011
Lent is late this year, thanks to an unusual alignment of the earth and heavens -- the vernal equinox, the paschal full moon -- and to the" target="_blank"
Eugene Cho 3-03-2011
Over the course of this past weekend and my recent post about hell, universalism, exclusivism, and other eliti
Becky Garrison 3-02-2011
In contemplating next weekend's National Day of Unplugging, I'm reminded of the Facebook Fast I embarked on back in 2008.
Chris LaTondresse 3-01-2011

"Farewell Rob Bell." With this three word tweet John Piper -- senior pastor at Bethlehem Baptist church in Minneapolis, Minnesota and elder statesman of the neo-reform stream of American Christianity -- triggered an online firestorm over the weekend.

Debra Dean Murphy 2-24-2011
One of the steadfast realities of following the lectionary is the predictable rhythm of its three-year cycle of readings. Preparing a sermon for Baptism of the Lord Sunday in 2011?
Phil Haslanger 2-23-2011
In the midst of the national uproar over the attempt by Wisconsin Gov.
Cesar Baldelomar 2-16-2011

On May 30, 2009, a terrorist attack in Arizona ended the lives of two U.S. citizens -- a Latino man and his 9-year-old daughter.

Chris LaTondresse 2-16-2011
President Obama released his budget proposal Monday, officially staking his position in what
Aaron Taylor 2-15-2011

I watched the film Invictus for the second time last weekend.

Nathan Schneider 2-11-2011
Throughout the coverage of the uprising in Egypt, we've been repeatedly told that Egyptians trust their military more than any other pa
Jim Wallis 2-10-2011

House Republicans announced a plan yesterday to cut $43 billion in domestic spend

Sheldon Good 2-07-2011
The National Prayer Breakfast is based on broad inclusivity, inviting "individuals of various nationalities, religi
Reza Aslan 2-07-2011

While much of the prognostication about Egypt's future has focused on the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood and the threat that it could pose to Egypt's Christian minority, one need only view the massive demonstrations that have roiled the streets of Cairo, Suez, and Alexandria to recognize th

Jim Wallis 2-04-2011
I was able to attend the National Prayer Breakfast yesterday morning and noted two important things about
Nathan Schneider 2-01-2011
The excitement in Cairo -- including the biggest crowd yet today in Tahrir Square -- has made it difficult to follow the development of protests elsewhere in the Arab world.