
Steve Stone 1-31-2011
In a recent article on Christianity Today's website, Jason Hood raised issues
Shane Claiborne 11-26-2010

As per usual, on Friday, we had all sorts of Buy Nothing Day festivities (check out the video here). But that's not what I want to talk about. I read recent posts on consumerism and Buy Nothing Day by Eugene Cho and Rachel Anderson here on God's Politics, and I admire the optimism and nuanced critiques. But this past weekend folks around the world stared in embarrassment, pity, and horror as people killed each other for bargains –- literally.

Rose Marie Berger 10-22-2010
They are rioting in Paris to prevent the government from resolving its debt crisis on the backs of the middle class.
This hymn can be a helpful one for churches seeking to support the relief efforts in Pakistan.

Julie Clawson 7-26-2010
This month marks the 20th anniversary of the landmark Americans With Disabilities Act, signed into law by President George H.W. Bush on July 26, 1990. It seems a bit strange when you think about.

When I first heard the announcement to rise for "the presentation of the colors," I didn't understand what that was.

Crissy Brooks 6-14-2010
Last month, the mayor of Costa Mesa -- where I live -- proposed and passed a proclamation declaring our city a "Rule of Law" city. It is not that we were in total anarchy before May.
Efrem Smith 5-19-2010
I watched the Glenn Beck show on Fox News yesterday. His topic was how churches that are using the term, "social justice" are misinterpreting scripture in order to spread Marxism.
Ian Danley 4-15-2010
The following blog is a response to the passage of controversial immigration legislation in Arizona.
Efrem Smith 9-22-2009
It's always hard to narrow down Pastor Efrem's sermons to a few key minutes, and this one was no exception. Preaching from Matthew 25, he puts some extended focus on the health-care debate.
Marque Jensen 8-10-2009
Early next Saturday morning I will board a plane with my daughter to spend a week in Honduras.
George Mitrovich 6-16-2009
On the day my father died I was 1,200 miles away.

Seth Naicker 6-02-2009
Homecoming is on my mind in this day and this hour.
Neeraj Mehta 5-26-2009
A standard definition of community development often goes something like this:

Efrem Smith 3-12-2009

It's always difficult to find just a few minutes from Pastor Efrem's sermons to highlight on the blog. With this sermon, it was impossible. So for a change, here's the entire sermon, in which he preaches from Proverbs 3 and talks about:

Efrem Smith 1-15-2009
It was hard to narrow this sermon down to a short clip -- it makes so many good points!