The Simple Way

Multiple Authors 1-28-2010

Claiborne For Shane Claiborne and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, "subversive" friendship is about creating God's counterculture in the midst of a dominant culture.

Becky Garrison 8-18-2009
Jamie Moffett, co-founder of The Simple Way and director of The Ordinary Radicals, tra
Shane Claiborne 4-21-2009

"Good" Friday was real good this year. We remembered Jesus, and we remembered Jesus disguised in the "least of these" -- those who continue to be tortured, spit on, slapped, insulted, misunderstood

Shane Claiborne 4-14-2009
With the National Day of Prayer coming up (May 7), a lot of folks around the country are organizing prayer services in church sanctuaries and town halls.
Shane Claiborne 12-02-2008

As per usual, on Friday, we had all sorts of Buy Nothing Day festivities (check out the video here). But that's not what I want to talk about.

Jim Wallis 10-31-2008
Hey Shane, thanks for weighing in. I appreciate it.
Becky Garrison 8-28-2008

On Sept. 4, I'm going to Philadelphia to attend the premiere of The Ordinary Radicals, a documentary directed and produced by Jamie Moffett, co-founder of The Simple Way. The trailer gives a sense of this project.

While I can't speak for the others who were interviewed for this film, I felt my role was to serve as a cheerleader [...]