
Michael Hidalgo 3-09-2010

Recently Glenn Beck made some comments about leaving a church if the priest or pastor speaks about "social justice." He instructed his listeners to "look for the words 'social justice' or 'economic justice' on your church Web site" and then, should they find those words, told t

Genikwa Williams 2-25-2010
When my usual pew was filled, I was almost panic-stricken as the usher led me to a different section of the church. Little did I know, I needed a change in perspective.

Often when Sojourners addresses issues relating to Israel and Palestine, we're accused of anti-Israel bias.

Jim Wallis 2-17-2010
Sometimes things get so bad that you really don't know what to say or do. When that happens, it's a good time to fast and pray.
Tracey Bianchi 2-16-2010

It's Fat Tuesday. The height of the Mardi Gras celebration. The pinnacle of Carnaval. The time of year when religious and non-religious types alike trek to places like New Orleans and Rio de Janeiro to whoop it up before the season of Lent begins. Granted, most party-goers could likely give a rip about Lent, but to celebrate the storm before the calm is still a tradition many engage in.

Brian McLaren 1-29-2010
Friday night we were the guests of a synagogue in West Jerusalem. It was beautiful to see the room full of Jewish families honoring God in song, reading, silence, and prayer.
Onleilove Alston 1-26-2010

After college I completed a year of service with Public Allies New York, an Americorps service program.

Martha St. Jean 1-22-2010
While the rest of the world has been pondering the economic and social fate of the recently earthquake-devastated island nation of Haiti, Haitian-Americans alone have asked, "What will happen to ou
Becky Garrison 1-22-2010

In Jacob Needleman's newest book What Is God?, he examines some new ways of approaching one of the critical questions asked by humanity.

My mother loved food.

Aaron Taylor 1-18-2010
When I was a student at Christ for the Nations School of Missions, I learned about the so-called "pact with the devil" that the African slaves of Haiti made to free themselves from the French.