Judy Brown has been involved in parish ministry for over 30 years both as a volunteer and as a parish staff member with an emphasis in music, retreats, and faith formation.  She is a former youth minister and faith formation director in the Green Bay Diocese and has undergraduate and graduate degrees in religion and theology from St. Norbert College.

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Why Speaking 'On Behalf' of Others Can Hurt The People You're Trying to Help

by Judy Brown 11-04-2015

Image via  / Shutterstock.com

I was at a retreat recently with a facilitator who is known for pushing the envelope a bit regarding Roman Catholic Church teaching. The question posited throughout the weekend: Whom should we accept as brothers and sisters in faith?

During the retreat someone asked the facilitator how we should approach ministry in our churches in regard to the gay and lesbian community. A fellow retreatant replied, “Invite us to speak for ourselves.”

Who better to speak on challenging topics than those who are living inside the issue?