Posts By This Author

A Consistent Ethic of Life from the Unborn to Baghdad

by Omar Al-Rikabi 11-04-2008
Two pictures rotating on my laptop's screen-saver instantaneously rotate in my mind each time I hear a candidate or a preacher address the "value of human life."

Stealth Communications

by Omar Al-Rikabi 04-22-2008

A couple of days before Christmas 1993, I was sitting in my parent's living room watching a football game when I got a call from my uncle in Baghdad. After a very quick hello, he jumped right into asking if my father was home. I told him no, so he quickly gave me a flight number for a plane that was coming into Dallas the next day. After twice telling me that it was very important to be at the [...]

'Cowboys and Arabs' and the Cross

by Omar Al-Rikabi 03-19-2008

The Cost of War

The week before the invasion of Iraq, I was locked in an e-mail debate over the war with a friend of mine from my home church in Texas. I explained to him why I was opposed to the war. He responded by saying that while he understood my opposition to the war as an Iraqi, as a Christian I [...]

'I Never Saw Them as Human Beings'

by Omar Al-Rikabi 03-12-2008

The Cost of War

A couple of weeks before the Thanksgiving holiday, I received a call from my cousin. Her father-in-law in Baghdad was dead. His death was not the result a car bomb or a kidnapping. No bullets or beheadings were involved. Instead, it was a kitchen fire. He was badly burnt up and down his [...]

I Love My Name

by Omar Al-Rikabi 02-29-2008

The Cost of War

My parents had an agreement: If my father could name his children, then my mother could raise us in the church. So I was given a full Muslim name, but I was baptized as a Christian. Growing up I never really liked my name very much - Omar. For a little kid in Texas, a foreign [...]