Faith and Politics

Administrator 1-03-2007

I see little or no value to weighing in on the subject of capital punishment. People have their opinions and relatively few seem interested in changing them. But I would like to express in personal terms how I felt after the news coverage of Saddam Hussein's hanging. I'd like to share it especially [...]

Administrator 1-02-2007

(Photo from a protest in India during a visit by George W. Bush earlier in 2006, by Gautam Singh, AP)

Nationwide demonstrations against the United States and the execution of Saddam Hussein got close and personal for me, my wife, Cheri Herrboldt, and our six-year-old [...]

Administrator 12-29-2006

Judging from your comments, my piece on the passing of former president Gerald Ford seems to have rubbed some people on both sides the wrong [...]

Administrator 12-29-2006

Judging from your comments, my piece on the passing of former president Gerald Ford seems to have rubbed some people on both sides the wrong [...]

Administrator 12-27-2006

We first published this reflection by Jim Wallis in 2002. It has since become our Christmas tradition, kind of our own Charlie Brown Christmas special, if you will. With the ongoing conflicts raging during each passing year, it remains tragically relevant.

Administrator 12-27-2006

Brian McLaren

In 2006 I read so many excellent books, old and new. Here are about 20 of my favorites ... in no order of importance:


Administrator 12-27-2006

Brian McLaren

In 2006 I read so many excellent books, old and new. Here are about 20 of my favorites ... in no order of importance:


Amy Sullivan 12-26-2006

I do enough heavy reading professionally - when I read for pleasure, I'm looking for a good novel, or very entertaining non-fiction. These five are guaranteed beach, holiday, or plane reading:

My Fundamentalist Education: A Memoir of a Divine Girlhood, [...]

Administrator 12-22-2006

Fed up with the so-called "War on Christmas" craziness? One of our readers decided to fight back - with poetry:

'Twas the month before Christmas; with anticipation,
I'd prayed to be peaceful, I'd felt adoration.

The Good News was soon to be shouted out loud.
The Wonder, the Joy, would dispel every cloud.

The [...]

D. Murshed 12-22-2006

"It is unconscionable that Bethlehem should be allowed to die slowly from strangulation."
- Archbishop Desmond Tutu



When we hear about Bethlehem this Christmas season, what do we imagine? A town far away and frozen in time? Or security [...]

Administrator 12-22-2006

Fed up with the so-called "War on Christmas" craziness? One of our readers decided to fight back - with poetry:

'Twas the month before Christmas; with anticipation,
I'd prayed to be peaceful, I'd felt adoration.

The Good News was soon to be shouted out loud.
The Wonder, the Joy, would dispel every cloud.

The [...]

Administrator 12-21-2006

We've all heard the tired sermon cliches about the real meaning of Christmas being overshadowed by the materialism and commercialism of holiday shopping. Blah Blah Blah. Well, here's another layer of crass holiday exploitation for you: The very people claiming to be putting the "Christ" back in "Christmas" are cashing in big time on buttons, magnets, and bumper stickers. Take a deep breath, and then exhale a long exasperated sigh with me as you read this

Administrator 12-20-2006

Beliefnet asked God's Politics to dialogue with a recent post by one of their Virtual Talmud bloggers, Rabbi Eliyahu Stern, which compared Jimmy Carter with Orthodox Jews who attended Iran's Holocaust deniers summit:

While [...]

Administrator 12-20-2006

Deserted In Darfur Two months ago, we helped convene a group of 24 evangelical Christian leaders to launch an Evangelicals for Darfur campaign. Full-page ads ran in several national and many local newspapers around the country, along with radio ads. [...]