Faith and Politics

Richard Rohr 12-18-2006

Red Letter Christian Richard Rohr was featured in today's NPR segment, This I Believe. Here's a choice nugget, but you can also read or listen to his entire reflection.

[M] any religious folks insist on [...]

Administrator 12-15-2006

Jim Wallis joins Anderson Cooper along with Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention, and Rev. Dwight Hopkins, American Baptist minister and professor at University of Chicago Divinity School, as part of a focus on "What Is a Christian: Where Do You Fit?"

Administrator 12-15-2006

Brian McLarenI know this is a "God's Politics" blog, and I know that this won't sound very political, but in the end, it sort of is, especially ten days before Christmas.

Earlier this week, I was speaking to a group of Methodist ministers and we sang the Christmas carol "Joy to the World." Two [...]

Administrator 12-14-2006

Brian McLarenI spent much of the summer of 2006 visiting seven countries in Latin America with theologian Rene Padilla ( Among the highlights of the trip was my time in Honduras, including a stay with Kurt Ver Beek and his beautiful [...]

Administrator 12-14-2006

Diana Butler BassLast week, I participated in a Washington Post real-time online chat about divisions in the Episcopal Church around issues of church politics, sexual identity, and biblical [...]

Administrator 12-12-2006

Norman Kember, Harmeet Singh Sooden, and James Loney, the three Christian Peacemaker Team members held by Iraqi militants for 118 days last year have responded to the arrest and trial of their captors much in the way anyone familiar with their organization would expect - with unconditional forgiveness and an unequivocal condemnation of violence as a means of justice.

Below are a few excerpts [...]

Administrator 12-07-2006

Jim WallisThe Iraq Study Group finally released its long awaited report [...]

Administrator 12-05-2006

The animus between the traditional (complementarian) and the egalitarian views of women's roles shows little signs of abating. The polarized positions on issues such as whether a woman should submit to her husband, whether she is allowed to preach, or indeed, whether she is permitted to do anything without male permission, is a polemic that has its vociferous spokespersons on both sides.

With an evangelical zeal, I hold to the equality of men and women in [...]

Administrator 12-04-2006

For those of you who are unfamiliar with them, Stratfor is a highly unfluential consulting firm known in some circles as the "shadow CIA." At the very least, they're anything but apologists for progressive Christianity. But here's their most recent analysis, which I share, because frankly, it backs up my post from [...]

Administrator 12-04-2006

Jim WallisOn Friday, I wrote about the invitation from Sen. Harry Reid to speak on the Democrat's weekly radio address and the difficult decision it presented. I said that I [...]

Administrator 11-29-2006

Adam TaylorFive years ago I traveled to Nairobi to witness firsthand the devastating toll of the AIDS pandemic. I walked the streets of Kibera with [...]

Administrator 11-27-2006

Jim WallisAt the beginning of the Thanksgiving weekend, I put the eulogy

Administrator 11-17-2006

In his entry for the Washington Post/Newsweek "On Faith" discussion (posted here earlier today) Jim Wallis talks about reaching common ground by going to higher ground. Case in point: conservative Christian columnist Cal Thomas, in his column

Administrator 11-14-2006

Continuing a Today show special series called "The Mystery of Faith," host Meredith Vieira explores the growth of evangelical Christians in America and their changing political power.

Administrator 11-13-2006

Brian McLarenAs a representative of the Red Letter Christians, I was asked the other day to participate in an NPR dialogue about the recent resignation of Ted Haggard. Two things struck me about the dialogue.

First, compassion. The tone of the [...]

Administrator 11-10-2006

Some of you will remember that I wrote an open letter to Dr. James Dobson a few weeks ago, and posted it here on this blog. Well, Dr. Dobson released a statement yesterday regarding his assessment of what happened in the election on Tuesday. According to Dr. Dobson, "Many of my colleagues [...]

Amy Sullivan 11-09-2006

Lost amid some of the understandably bigger headlines were a few stories that would have been remarkable in a normal election season. Up first, the country's first Muslim congressman has been elected in Minnesota. Keith Ellison, a lawyer and Muslim convert, won the seat held by longtime Democratic Congressman Martin Sabo. If [...]

Administrator 11-09-2006

Jim WallisIn this election, both the Religious Right and the secular Left were defeated, and the voice of the moral center was heard. A significant number of candidates elected are social conservatives on issues of life and family, economic populists, and committed to a new direction [...]

Administrator 11-09-2006

For the third election in a row, I voted for the Independence Party candidate in the Minnesota gubernatorial election. (Yes, if you're counting backward, that means that I voted for Jesse "The Body" Ventura - and proudly so!) This year's candidate, Peter Hutchinson, garnered only 6% of the popular vote, but that [...]

Amy Sullivan 11-02-2006

It's somewhat surprising that it took so long for this story to get some attention today. True, the allegation that Ted Haggard, pastor of the New Life megachurch in Colorado Springs and president of the National Association of Evangelicals, had a homosexual affair is just that--an allegation. But the news that he has stepped down from his post as head minister and resigned from his position at [...]