United States

Tim Costello 12-17-2009
The rhetoric soared today as rich nation leaders -- UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown, Australia's PM Kevin Rudd and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton -- urged completion of a deal to slow global warm
Biblical wisdom teaches us to "give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" (I Thessalonians 5:18).
Jim Wallis 12-14-2009
President Obama laid out a moral defense of the use of force in his acceptance speech in Oslo
LaVonne Neff 12-09-2009

The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
--William Butler Yeats, from "The Second Coming"

Maryada Vallet 12-01-2009
As a community of faith and conscience in Southern Arizona, we have seen more than a decade of deadly border enforcement, free trade, and immigration policies destroying habitat and home for many.
Sheldon Good 11-27-2009
As the health-care bill passes through Congress, one wonders about an issue that has been left out of discussions. No, not abortion. Food.
Jim Wallis 11-25-2009

As I take time to reflect on what I am truly thankful for, my family certainly tops the list. I've just been out of the country for a week, so I will cherish the time sitting around the table with my kids, asking one another to share what we are most thankful for.

The United States is a country that is at once overweight and hungry. There are those among us who are overweight and obese. There are those among us who live with food insecurity.

The gospel according to Aretha Franklin says: "R-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what it means to me."

Biblical wisdom teaches: "Give everyone what you owe him. If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor." (Romans 13:7 NIV)

Jimmy McCarty 11-17-2009
The release of photos of Americans supposedly treating imprisoned suspected terrorists badly has been blocked by the Pen
LaVonne Neff 11-17-2009
I'm a cradle vegetarian. Didn't have even a bite of meat -- red or white, fish or fowl -- until I was maybe eleven years old, and then I lost my dietary virginity to a hot dog.
There comes a moment when we can say a word or speak a concept so often that it loses meaning and simply becomes sound. The concept becomes exhausted, thin, one-dimensional.
In the wake of Tuesday's elections where the Democrats lost governor's races in New Jersey and in Virginia, some observers are advising President Obama to scale back his agenda.
Cesar Baldelomar 11-03-2009
President Obama and his administration were busy this past Friday.
Soong-Chan Rah 11-02-2009
Last month's Christianity Today featured an article on the state of evangelicalism by
We continue the roller coaster ride that we hope will end with universal or near universal coverage for health care in the United States.
Sheldon Good 10-23-2009
Climate change has become a major worldwide grassroots movement -- one that doesn't acknowledge geographic or sociological borders.
Soong-Chan Rah 10-15-2009
A frequently asked question these days relates to the role of the church in civic society.
Jim Wallis 10-13-2009
I got the first call at 6:30 a.m.