United States

Randy Woodley 4-15-2009
I consider myself a peacemaker and a patriot. I come from a long line of warriors and military servicemen.
We cannot avoid death and taxes. Our own death is an event that we only face once.
Alan Bean 4-14-2009
No one is saying that Ted Stevens didn't lie about unreported contributions. But the government has to play by the rules even when the defendant is guilty.
Lemeyo Abon, an indigenous elder from the Marshall Islands, is a survivor of fallout from the largest nuclear bomb ever
Jim Wallis 4-10-2009
Ten years ago on Good Friday, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a statement and call to action: "On this
Sharon Watkins 4-07-2009

Some might say that this is the worst possible time to have a Mobilization to End Poverty. An elder of a church I served once told me, "You can tell a lot about a person by looking at their checkbook register

Cesar Baldelomar 4-03-2009
Jesus, who was a Palestinian Jew living under Roman occupation, preached a message that was anti-state and religious imperialism.
She is a girl whose father sold her to strangers. They took her far from home, and now she is a prostitute. He works for no money paying off the debt of a long dead ancestor.
Eugene Cho 4-03-2009

One of my heroes is Frederick Douglass. I have a list of folks whose stuff I regularly read on and read about, and Frederick Douglass is one of them. Words in today's world have grown to be an interesting sensation. I believe in the power of words via teaching, preaching, blogging, writing, etc.

John Hope Franklin lived through most of the twentieth century. He was a gentle man, a scholar, an activist, and a truth-teller. He studied history and he helped to make it.

Bailey Craft 3-24-2009
Last week, President Obama signed an executive order granting a http://www.startribune.com/local/north/41595947.html?page=1&c=y" href="https://sojo.net/%3Ca%20href%3D"http://www.startribune.com/local/north/41595947">http://www.startribune.com/local/north/41595947
Bailey Craft 3-18-2009
The clock is ticking for thousands of Liberian immigrants as the month of March draws to a close.
Troy Jackson 3-17-2009
In the March 10 edition of The Christian Science Monitor, Michael Spencer predicts "the coming evangelical collapse." Much
John Fanestil 2-27-2009
On Saturday, Feb. 21, I was almost arrested for committing assault with a tortilla. Or was it my communion cup that the border patrol agent took to be a threat?

Jim Wallis 2-25-2009
This wasn't really a budget speech, or even a State of the Union. It was a call to rebuild a country -- from its infrastructure, to its economy, to its values.
Eugene Cho 2-19-2009
Are you a coward? Chicken? When it comes to the issue of race, why are Americans [including Christians] so reticent and reluctant to engage in honest conversations? What are we scared of?
Troy Jackson 2-17-2009

I have been studying the civil rights movement for over a decade, and continue to be amazed by the stories of courage and sacrifice that marked that heroic era in United States history.

Arthur Waskow 1-29-2009
Beyond anguish, what can we say about the massive death and destruction in Gaza and the traumatic fear of falling rockets in Israel?