Climate change

Jarrod McKenna 12-06-2009

This clip is one of my favorites. This is from an awesome mob called "smartMeme" a collective that share much in common with "The Change Agency" who I do some facilitating for in Australia. If I was living in the States this is definitely a group I would be working with and learning from. ...

Jarrod McKenna 12-05-2009

This clip comes from a fantastic collective who are putting into practice Gandhi's words "under certain circumstances, fasting is [a] weapon God has given us for use in times of utter helplessness." ...

The decision has been made. The orders have been signed. The first wave of the 30,000 additional warriors heading to Afghanistan is scheduled to arrive before Christmas.
Jarrod McKenna 12-04-2009

Unlike the other clips we've been showing in this "countdown to COP15" this one EPYC hasn't shown in workshops but is often mentioned by students. It comes from a science teacher named Greg Craven ...

Jarrod McKenna 12-03-2009

This video features three heroes of mine and courageous Christian leaders, Desmond Tutu, Wangari Maathai and Rev. Dr. Samuel Kobia, talking about the importance of climate justice for the poorest of the poor right across the continent of Africa.


Jarrod McKenna 12-02-2009

This clip gave an Aussie kid like me who grew up on Midnight Oil goose bumps (embarrassingly I cried despite the cringe factor) and was very popular with students in our workshops because of the big name stars. ...


Amy Barger 12-01-2009

Prior to September's G20 summit in Pittsburgh, 37 U.S.

Jim Ball 12-01-2009

Fighting global warming's effects on the world's poor.

Bill McKibben 12-01-2009

The witness of Denmark.

Janet L. Parker 12-01-2009

Are scare tactics the best tools in our work against climate change?

Bishop James Jones 12-01-2009

A biblical vision for saving the earth.

John Gehring 11-06-2009
As an urbanite fortunate to live within walking distance of work and trendy restaurants, I rarely drive these days.
Amy Barger 11-05-2009

The bearded, robed, and bespectacled keynote speaker at Georgetown University's Gaston Hall on Tuesday made a wise first move. His All Holiness Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch of the Orthodox Christian World, began his speech by naming the elephant in the room.

Brian McLaren 10-27-2009
Tim Costello of World Vision Australia and I have been working behind the scenes to compose a prayer that could be used by individuals and groups leading up to the Copenhagen gathering on cli
Sheldon Good 10-23-2009
Climate change has become a major worldwide grassroots movement -- one that doesn't acknowledge geographic or sociological borders.
John Gehring 10-23-2009
Just in time for Halloween, Bill Donohue of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights is once again spooked about all those "radical secularists" lurking ominously behind ever corner.
What if the soul of the world had an alarm clock and it began ringing
Desire Evans 10-19-2009

President Obama arrived in New Orleans last week for his first visit to the Gulf Coast since he won the presidency.

Eugene Cho 10-19-2009

Like many folks a couple weeks ago, I was stunned that Obama had won the Nobel Peace Prize. In fact, I thought it was some sort of joke but alas, it was legit. But I did manage to get couple tweets in there including this one: